VPS data usage – streaming

Here is the data usage for my VPS, taken from the Tagadab dashboard.


As you can see, since streaming started in July, the amount of data/bandwidth used has reduced considerably. The differing previous monthly figures are down to various reasons – number of bots live/number of events/missed days due to errors/etc. June – 13GB – and July – 2.33GB – both had the four Oscars and one other running most of the time. Even when I wasn’t running full-stream, the data is still delivered via the stream, it’s just how the data is refreshed in Excel that is regulated, so it makes no difference to the bandwidth. (There are options to run off stream but I haven’t used these with the new version.)

The £0.00 value is because there is 50GB included in the package, charges are only incurred for exceeding this amount.

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