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A fellow PfB coder

Tony (@SportsBotter) commented –

Good to see you moving on to your own platform. I have had a go at it myself. At various stages I had to tick back what felt like most of the book. In a way making the mistakes forces you to understand how it all hangs together and what you need to change to implement your own strategies.

This is an important part of the learning process and can only be gained by doing the coding yourself. For those who just want to copy and paste the program, the ability to make it their own is reduced. As Tony points out, by making mistakes and then trying to find where you’ve gone wrong, you start to see how the modules come together, where variables get their data and then where and how that data is used/manipulated. Trying to skip this exercise will only make any future changes more difficult.

Now I am quite pleased that I can offer bets and cancel them just using basic non strategic triggers plus change the markets and periods that interest me etc. Quite confident I can now push on from this point with some trading techniques that I couldn’t be bothered to actually perform myself on a day today basis. Now if I can do it …with my reputation… then anyone can ;) 

The video shows an example of what Tony has created, something that fits his own criteria, using the Programming for Betfair code. He also has the Betfair site open so you can see the bets in the markets. Getting to this stage , with a working app, does give you confidence. I am now coding and testing my own bot following the same process that Tony has.